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  • Writer's pictureNeerja Aggarwal

Poetry break

Updated: Jan 19

unfiltered and raw. enjoy.


molecules cells signals and light

wondrous inquisitive mixture of melodies

microcosmic dances of life in the universe

we yearn to understand to conquer to possess

own our own lives and in a way the lives of others

life is a way for the universe to witness itself they say

and i guess now also establish dominance

amidst all this science i seek refuge


little stars of bright light calling out

full of hope or full of life?

stark against the dark background


train train train train train

that’s what we do to ourselves

hoping to get better hoping to do something meaningful

perhaps the meaning is in the endeavor

even if it becomes fruitless, aimless, lost

but only some have that luxury

while the rest of the world burns

Feature image credit: ThermoFisher Microscpheres

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